Category: Innovations for Marketers

Getting more out of corporate video content with Andrew Forsyth and Dominic Flanagan

Getting more out of corporate video content with Andrew Forsyth and Dominic Flanagan

“The Gap” Podcast Episode 1 In this conversation, Andrew Forsyth and Dominic Flanagan, seasoned video production professionals, discuss the intricacies of corporate video production. They highlight the importance of understanding client needs, meticulous pre-production planning, and the challenges of bridging the knowledge gap between clients and production teams. They emphasize the significance of trust, collaboration,...
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What can we learn about marketing and communications from Apple iPod designer, Tony Fadell? – By Andrew Forsyth

What can we learn about marketing and communications from Apple iPod designer, Tony Fadell? – By Andrew Forsyth

“I have a love-hate relationship with marketing” says AI researcher Lex Fridman in his recent podcast with Apple iPod designer, Tony Fadell. Surely a great product speaks for itself and the rest is fluff? In his new book, Build, Fadell answers back with delightful clarity and some good old practical wisdom. The iPod was a...
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Substance over form

Substance over form

In today’s fragmented world of marketing, media and communication, amid the advertising noise and the overload, there are truly inspirational stories-with the power to motivate people to action and to transform lives, cities and nations.  But how do you find them and bring them to life in a way that captures attention? Storytelling is a...
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“Marketing with video” – New Report from AMI & my perspective on the findings

“Marketing with video” – New Report from AMI & my perspective on the findings

I was very interested to read AMI’s recent report “Marketing with video: the state of video production in Australia” (Dec 2017).  The survey was answered by 182 members across sectors important to my business such as technology, financial services and health care which, from previous research, are known to be some of the sectors using video the most....
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Connecting with your audience using the “Piece to Camera”

Connecting with your audience using the “Piece to Camera”

You’re passionate about what you do and the value you have to offer- but how can you connect with your audience in a truly authentic and powerful way? Well, talk to them. Nothing beats a relaxed, articulate, well-paced piece to camera, face-to-face. As exemplar of the piece to camera presentation, psychologist and author Paul Bloom offers...
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Who’s got your login details?

Who’s got your login details?

“Businesses operate in a much more hazardous, heterogeneous environment than ever before, with fundamental changes to the nature of cyber risk and inadequate global cyber governance frameworks.” So says Axel Lehman, Chief Risk Officer at Zurich Insurance Group in a new report entitled “Global cyber governance: preparing for new business risks”. Having worked as a marketer for...
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Content + Social = Quick and cost effective Lead Generation?

Content + Social = Quick and cost effective Lead Generation?

Veronika Birnkammer, Marketing Options International- “Content is King!” So says… well, everyone!  Everybody is blowing the same whistle – “Content” must surely be a contestant for the most overused term in marketing in 2013. Sure, content needs to become more relevant, of higher quality, well targeted and it must stand out from the competitor’s content....
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Why Video must be at the centre of your next marketing campaign.

Why Video must be at the centre of your next marketing campaign.

After twenty years as a marketer in print and online media I now produce video content for corporate, government and education sectors.  In this post I discuss the power of the medium, integration possibilities and the explosion in demand for video content on mobile/ social platforms.  I always knew video would become a huge part...
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A perspective on emotion in visual story telling

A perspective on emotion in visual story telling

“The soul can not think without a picture” – Aristotle Life is a story of people and our environment, a journey filled with emotions. Our existence is coloured by emotion, it is at the heart of our very being. The use of visual communication in story telling which evokes emotions is one of the most...
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How long should a business video be?

How long should a business video be?

A common view is that 2-3 minutes is optimal for online viewing. Some people claim that anything longer risks losing the viewer’s attention.  Others, however, argue more convincingly that optimal duration is determined by the production’s objectives, content and target audience.  While 2 minutes might be just right for a certain objective, I tend to agree with...
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