Pemberton Press

Substance over form

Substance over form

In today’s fragmented world of marketing, media and communication, amid the advertising noise and the overload, there are truly inspirational stories-with the power to motivate people to action and to transform lives, cities and nations.  But how do you find them and bring them to life in a way that captures attention?

Storytelling is a craft, as much as an art form, which, when done well, is instantly recognisable to most people- because they become immersed in the content. But they don’t really know why, they just “are”.

We know why.

Specifically, the concepts, techniques and application of the principles of storytelling onscreen are not widely known to marketers.  Yet they say they now need this power more than ever.  That is our business, that is our value. It’s the business of seizing and holding the attention of the audio-visual supercomputers floating on top of our shoulders. It’s a supercomputer with powerful emotions and a social & cultural value system beating at its core.

To engage audiences, our philosophy is simply “Substance over form“. Story first, then creative and variants for different audiences, platforms and contexts second.

I offer four example below.  Each contains a central story with multiple versions for different viewing contexts and platforms;

  • Long form version, typically 10 to 15 or even up to 30 minutes – Website
  • Short form version 2 to 3 minutes – Websites and events
  • Very short form 30–60–90 seconds – Social media

Long form version allows us to put characters and conflict at the centre of the story and engage the audience in a way that will deliver value proposition most powerfully.

Short-form versions focus more on the product and the value proposition as a kind of teaser/ Promo for the main story.

    1. Healthcare: Qlik-Waitemata DHB Digital transformation (Long form) (Short Form)
    2. e-Commerce: Alipay “ Buskers of Melbourne” (Long Form) (Short Form)
    3. Education: Johnson & Johnson Medical Living Case Study at Macquarie Graduate School of Management (Long Form) (Short Form) (Very Short Form)
    4. Construction and remedial building: Buildcorp (Long form) (Short Form)

We can help you find the story and bring it to life in a package of powerful content to suit your audience.

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We are here to help you tell
your story like only you can

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